Miami OCD and Addiction Recovery

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a condition where the individual experiences either obsessions or compulsions occurring repeatedly and persistently which interfere with daily life. The individual is aware these thoughts and worries are excessive or have no reality basis. Compulsions are repetitive behaviors a person feels compelled to perform, find hard to resist, and performed in response to obsessions. The individual with compulsions manifest anxiety and have panic attacks if not allowed to engage in compulsive behaviors. Many of the available Miami OCD and addiction recovery programs help individuals overcome their substance abuse and the mental disorders with high-quality treatment.

Find the right treatment facility by calling Drug Treatment Centers Miami for help. Call (877) 804-1531 for more information.

Overlap of OCD and Addiction

OCD and addiction commonly overlap. People who have addictions are typically obsessed with cravings to get high and feel compelled to use alcohol or drugs repeatedly despite the consequences, demonstrating a link between OCD and addiction. Also, OCD individuals frequently turn to alcohol or drugs to self-medicate and gain relief from their condition, now having OCD and addiction.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms and Signs

Examples of compulsions include counting, tapping, repeating words, and performing actions over and over. Examples of this include ensuring doors are locked or washing hands, putting things in order and praying. Performing these behaviors are to prevent or lessen anxiety or to prevent an unrealistic negative event. An example of an event is becoming sick if hands aren't washed on a regular schedule. The symptoms of OCD have a significant impact on an OCD sufferer's daily life or functioning. Examples of this include having difficulty concentrating or sleeping which causes significant stress, or takes up significant blocks of time.

OCD, Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

There are some cases where people without OCD have an alcohol use disorder where they drink excessively or have a drug addiction. Then, the use of these substances can change the brain's chemistry and cause mental health disorders, such as OCD, to develop.

Conversely, there are other cases when drugs and alcohol are used to alleviate symptoms of OCD. Prolonged use of substances to relieve the obsessive thoughts and compulsions leads to addiction, as the brain becomes dependent on these substances for functioning.

Residential Treatment is the Better Choice

Residential treatment is the better choice for addiction treatment, as the abuser can be totally immersed in therapy and counseling. This eliminates temptations; abusers can't access illicit substances. It also provides an opportunity to concentrate on treatment without distractions, temptations, family issues of daily life.

Medications and behavioral therapy can be administered to simultaneously to treat both OCD and addiction. Once an individual and addiction specialists agree graduation from treatment is at the readiness, the person can sustain recovery with the strong foundation of several weeks or months of coping tools and helpful medications.

If you're considering treatment, relapse prevention treatment centers in Miami can help you find the right facility for your needs. Or visit your local Narcotics Anonymous ( for more support.

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